Boost Your Work Confidence

John Krautzel
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Confidence is vital in most aspects of the workplace, as showing conviction in what you do generally inspires confidence from those around you. However, there are sometimes when you might need a little help, which is where these ways to boost your confidence come in.

Look the Part

If you dress casually, you often look and feel as though you're working casually. While this is an oversimplification — some industries prefer a more relaxed working style, after all — dressing more formally can boost your confidence and help people see you as more of a leader. Remember that suits and formal clothing are frequently associated with neatness, precision and a good work ethic.

Accept Criticism

Everyone makes mistakes, yet criticism can be one of the hardest things to take. Rather than focusing on the negatives, boost your confidence by focusing on what you can do to change or adapt to new ways of thinking. Remember that criticism is generally meant to help you improve yourself, and it's a vital part of the learning processes.

The first step with criticism is to accept it and thank the person for providing it. After you give yourself some time to internalize it, keep it in mind when you work or interact with others. Is it valid? Is it reasonable? Is it fair? These are all questions you should ask yourself to try to remove your ego from the equation.


Work relationships are often tricky, but they can be extremely rewarding. Don't worry too much whether your co-workers actually like you — insecurity is one of the easiest ways to destroy any relationship, whether professional or personal. Instead, keep it light. Don't delve into hardcore politics, religion or any of the traditional do-not-discuss debates unless you know your co-workers very well. Instead, topics such as traffic, weather and even food are ideal talking points to boost your confidence and help you get to know your co-workers a little better.

Mood Music

Music can definitely affect your mood and boost your confidence, but what is surprising is the type of music that tends to be most effective. Naturally, nostalgic songs can tug at the heartstrings, but these can actually lower your mood. Instead, go for upbeat drum or bass-led tunes such as Queen's "We Will Rock You" or "In Da Club" by 50 Cent; avoid Enya at all costs.

Proper Posture

The appropriate posture can help boost your confidence as well. Sitting up straight creates a feeling of formality that encourages a better work ethic. If you slouch, you tend to end up in a less confident mood simply because you are essentially hiding and merging with the chair. Sitting tall, on the other hand, provides a clear separation and also is ultimately better for your back.

All of these tips can help boost your confidence while also creating a more enjoyable work experience. Although it's normal to feel anxious or insecure occasionally, adopting a couple of these ideas can aid you in appearing more confident.

Photo courtesy of tuelekza at


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