Refresh Your LinkedIn Profile

Nancy Anderson
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If you are in the market for a new job, one of the best ways to learn about new opportunities is to keep your social media profiles updated. Your LinkedIn profile is especially important because it connects you to people in your industry, giving you an opportunity to learn about job openings before they're advertised. If you haven't updated your LinkedIn profile recently, follow these tips to keep the content fresh.

Use the right high-impact keywords in your LinkedIn profile. Keywords are the phrases hiring managers use when they need candidates with specific skills or expertise. When you update your profile, make sure you're using keywords that are highly relevant to your industry. If you work in finance, for example, your profile should include keywords related to securities, regulatory compliance and financial management. Eliminate buzzwords that don't tell potential employers much about your skills. Words such as "passionate," "motivated" and "creative" don't give recruiters any information about your professional life.

If your LinkedIn profile doesn't already have a photo, add one. A high-quality photo makes it easier for hiring managers to match a face with your name. If your profile doesn't have a photo, some hiring managers might even think you are trying to hide something. Don't use one of the casual shots from your other social media profiles. Instead, upload a photo that makes you look confident and professional. You don't have to hire a professional photographer, but you should dress up and have a friend take a picture with a high-quality digital camera.

Use the profile summary to explain why employers should hire you. Many people make the mistake of cramming summaries with information that doesn't relate to their professional interests, making it difficult for recruiters to determine what skills and abilities they have. When you write your summary, use a story format to make it more engaging. Tell recruiters how your skills can benefit their companies in some way.

Once you set up your LinkedIn profile, interact with other people to build a professional presence on the site. Your name doesn't come up in many searches if you never post any content, so engaging with others is a great way to enhance your visibility. If you see an article that would interest other people in your industry, post a link to it with your comments about the content. Not only does this keep your LinkedIn profile fresh, it can also help demonstrate your writing and critical-thinking skills to potential employers.

LinkedIn is one of the best ways to connect with other people in your industry and make yourself more visible to potential employers. However, you must update your profile regularly to reap the benefits of online networking.

Photo courtesy of jscreationzs at



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  • Maritza D.
    Maritza D.

    Great! Thanks!

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