Three Ways to Save Space on Your Resume

John Krautzel
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Resume length is widely accepted to be one page long. A job seeker’s resume is a hiring manager’s first impression of him, and it is important that it make a memorable statement and a lasting impact. Some applicants make the mistake of sending resumes that are longer than a page, and this may hurt their chances of receiving interviews and job offers. Shortening a resume is a key skill that all job seekers should have.

To make a resume shorter, there are a few things job seekers can consider cutting in order to slim down to one page. For example, does the resume have an objective statement? The act of applying in and of itself is an objective, and thus the objective statement can be completely eliminated, saving space. Unless you are new to the job market, there is no reason to state your desire to get a job. Likewise, there does not need to be a large amount of detail about previous jobs. Instead, describe accomplishments, achievements or note-worthy projects that best highlight essential skills.

Cutting irrelevant or false information is another good way to shorten a resume. Irrelevant information may include jobs older than a decade and jobs that are not directly related to the position being applied for. Additionally, part-time jobs should not take up valuable space. Make a resume shorter by removing false information, such as exaggerations of experiences. Companies can often tell when an applicant is not being completely honest on a resume, and lying can destroy any chance of an interview.

Job seekers can also shorten a resume by avoiding fluff and humor. Humor is often hit or miss depending on the hiring manager’s mood when they scan the resume, so it is best not to risk offending them. Fluff language can include personal opinions or comments about co-workers or managers. Shorten a resume by sticking to the facts and detailing only relevant experience.

While shortening a resume is an important part of the resume-writing process, you should not sacrifice important skill sets or experience for the sake of length. Applicants with extended lab, theater or journalism experience may find that their resume runs longer than one page, and that is acceptable in those instances. However, in these cases, the applicant should ensure that the resume is well-organized and has information that connects the pages, such as page numbers or footers.

Shortening a resume is a fairly simple task, and many job seekers make the mistake of submitting resumes that are too long. Hiring managers scan resumes and cover letters for a matter of seconds, and making an impact is difficult if a resume is more than one page long. Removing irrelevant or false information, humor and fluff are good ways to shorten a resume without skimping on skills and experiences.

"IMG 6399" by Jason Tester Guerrilla Futures licensed by CC BY-ND 2.0


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