25 Ways to Become a Popular Employee

Michele Warg
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One of the most difficult adjustments you'll probably have to make when you start your first job is learning how to behave in a professional environment and interact with your new co-workers. Since you've spent most of your life being a student, you might feel intimidated by the rules of etiquette you have to follow in the business world. Relax. The same advice about manners that your parents taught you also applies to corporate America.

Still not convinced? The best way to make a good impression at your first job or any job is to treat everyone with respect and strive to become a team player. The following 25 tips (provided that the gestures come from your heart and not from your thirst to get ahead) can help you become a valuable and popular employee:

  1. Greet everyone with whom you come in contact while at work.
  2. Don't gossip, complain, or whine.
  3. Be friendly with everyone, but do not date immediate co-workers.
  4. Don't tell your problems to fellow employees (unless you want everyone to know).
  5. Find out everyone's birthday and organize parties or luncheons.
  6. Send flowers or cards to fellow employees on special occasions.
  7. Visit hospitalized co-workers and attend funerals for their love ones.
  8. Plan department holiday parties and help decorate.
  9. Learn everyone's name. If you work for a large company, always wear your ID badge.
  10. Volunteer for company committees.
  11. Attend all company functions - picnics, parties, and after-work gatherings.
  12. Sign up to play on the bowling, softball, and other sports teams.
  13. Limit consumption of alcohol around fellow employees. (Never let a co-worker or supervisor see you intoxicated).
  14. Bring doughnuts or other treats for your department on a monthly basis.
  15. Eat lunch in your company's cafeteria as often as possible.
  16. Submit news on fellow employees to the company newsletter.
  17. Send a postcard to the office when you go on vacation.
  18. Laugh at the boss's jokes.
  19. Let others know that you are a happy and well-adjusted person by putting family pictures on your desk and talking (not bragging) about the good things in your life.
  20. Work overtime when necessary.
  21. Bring your camera to company functions and take pictures of co-workers. Take the pictures to work to show to everybody.
  22. Give generously to employer-sponsored charity drives.
  23. Ask co-workers about their weekends and vacations.
  24. Become active in community events.
  25. Nominate fellow employees for the "Employee of the Month."

Laura Peterson is a free-lance writer and publishes a free Internet marketing newsletter - "An-Internet-Business Ezine" - http://www.an-internet-business.addr.com/an-inter.htm She also sells Watkins Natural Products - to order a free catalog visit http://www.an-internet-business.addr.com You can also email her at ronpete@prodigy.net


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