Are You Happy at Your Job? 5 Things That Increase Job Satisfaction

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5 things that make us happier and more productive at work?

If you are one of the lucky ones to actually have a job, are you happy with what you do? According to recent news reports, it seems that over a third of people that are currently employed are looking for a new job or planning to start a new job search soon. There really can't be that many unhappy employees, can there?

With the economy in trouble, many companies have cut back their staff to the bare minimum and have asked their employees to take on more work, more responsibilities for what is often less pay. Is this what is making so many workers unhappy?

The answer is yes and no. Surprisingly, the big problems like working longer hours and being paid less aren't typically the things that cause employees to be less than satisfied in their job. In order to find out what it is that makes the difference, let's look at the 5 things that can increase job satisfaction (and being paid more isn't even on the list):

  • Small, annoying hassles - For most people, it is the little things that they have to deal with often that really can drive them nuts. Administrative procedures and tasks that seem repetitive for no good reason. Although this is probably the easiest thing for employers to fix, day to day hassles are typically low on the management "to-do" list.

  • When things just don't seem fair - Employees need to feel that they are getting what they deserve. When there are some people who are getting paid more than others, it can cause office tension and make the lesser paid employees feel undervalued. Personally, I have seen this one in action myself. At a job I had many years ago, I was thrilled that I was making so much more money than I had at my previous jobs. I was ecstatic about the job and the salary. Then, I found out that one of my team mates, who was hired at the same time as me, who had a little less experience than I did, was getting paid significantly more than I was. Although I knew that the pay difference was simply because she had done a better job at negotiating her salary, my job satisfaction plummeted.
  • Praise and recognition - It always make you feel good to accomplish a goal or to feel that you have achieved something. Frequent praise and recognition can make employees feel happier about their jobs and it has the added benefit of motivating them to keep performing at a high level.
  • A change of pace - They say that variety is the spice of life, and when it comes to your work life, that's even truer. Even at jobs that require a lot of monotony, people are happier when their work is varied and challenging.
  • Feeling supported - Just knowing that your boss supports your efforts can really increase overall job satisfaction. People are much happier when they feel that they are valued and treated with respect. When the management of a company offers support for employees at all levels, they have lower turnover rates and they are able to better foster a team spirit.
Being happy at your job can have a huge impact in your life. Often, when you are miserable at work, it spills over into your personal life, which makes you even more miserable. So, when you are researching a prospective company, these are the things that you should look out for to make sure that you are accepting a job that you will enjoy.

What other things do you think add to overall job satisfaction? Let me know in the comments.

By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for ManhattanJobsBlog. Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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