How to Keep Motivated on the Job Search

John Krautzel
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Searching for a job can send even the most grounded person on an emotional roller coaster. Staying motivated while job hunting is not always easy when faced with multiple rejections and job leads that go nowhere. Keeping a positive attitude is important, because the perfect opportunity could come along at any moment. Being prepared for that occurrence is key. The following are some tips to help you stay motivated until the right opportunity shows up.

Make Health and Self-care a Priority

Being in a state of exhaustion or worry is not conducive to a person's good health or well-being. If a person is not in optimal health, he is not going to perform at his best. Consequently, his ability to give the appropriate amount of attention to important job search activities is impaired. Staying motivated under these circumstances is extremely difficult. To address this kind of situation, create a regular exercise routine and stick with it, even if it simply consists of taking a long walk at the same time every day. Doing this helps to keep the body in good working order. Another bonus is that it also offers quiet time each day to help clear the mind of clutter and negative thoughts. Creating an environment where physical, mental and emotional health is a priority lays the foundation for staying motivated while searching for employment.

Maintain Memberships in Professional or Networking Organizations

Professional organizations are not just for people who already have jobs in a particular industry. They offer you a great way to network, make important contacts and learn more about various aspects of certain businesses and services. Many professional organizations offer workshops or professional development classes that help keep skills sharp in between jobs. Professional development classes also serve as an introduction to new skills for career changers.

Spend Time With Friends and Family

Moral support is also an essential component for staying motivated while hunting for a job. Many people inevitably experience failure at some point in the job search. Spending time with others in a relaxed, nonjudgmental setting can be the ideal way to bounce back from job hunting disappointments. Friends and family are inclined to offer reminders of positive aspects of the job seeking efforts instead of pointing out the things that may have gone wrong. This kind of support has incredibly transformative effects. Once rejuvenated, a person can go back to the job search feeling fortified, positive and ready to withstand the next round of queries, applications and interviews.

Staying motivated while hunting for a job requires diligence and a willingness to make personal well-being a priority. Finding a job is important, but the ability to perform optimally in that job when it comes along dictates that the proper self-care before, during and after the job search gets the proper attention.


Photo courtesy of kate hiscock at



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