Lost Your Job? Check Out These 3 Movies

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There are all sorts of inspiring and motivational movies to pick you when you lose your job but sometimes real life is drama enough. A completely goofy, cheesy, off the wall movie can still provide a light escape and remarkable insight into life’s uncomfortable experiences.

Here are 3 recommendations to find on the shelf or online where losing their job forces the characters to do something different. You’ve probably seen them before but you might have missed the underlying message to people who are unexpectedly forced to change their circumstances.

Daddy Day Care – You’ve laughed at Eddie Murphy and Jeff Garlin mucking their way through the perils of parenting when they are laid off from product development jobs and have to stay at home with the kids. Lack of child care options is a real challenge for unemployed and under employed parents in making their way in the work force. Take a lesson from these two and consider the benefits to being a stay at home parent, more family time and that is truly priceless. You might not open a day care but lots of people are deciding to open small businesses from home to help bring in extra income while keeping child care costs down and family bonding up.

UHF – You’re probably wondering what Weird Al can teach you about being unemployed. Facing the same situation as his character George in this 80s classic, he has big dreams that don’t fit his menial qualifications so he uses family connections to get a job running a barley-on-the-air UHF channel (I had to explain to my kids what UHF was). He revamps the channel’s programming by enlisting the help of his friends and others he meets along the way like the recently fired janitor Stanley Spadowski played by Seinfeld’s Michael Richards. To everyone’s surprise the station succeeds and tops the network affiliates ratings. UHF accentuates the importance of networking and creative thinking. By bringing together a group of people with similar situations it can create a community using everyone’s strengths to succeed.

The Waterboy – Adam Sandler’s classic is an all time favorite of inspirational movies for the simple fact that it will get Rob Scnieder’s supportive chant of “You can do it!” stuck in your head. Not a bad thing to repeat to yourself throughout the day. That’s just a bonus to the truth behind the tale of Bobby Boucher. After losing his job at a top college, uneducated Bobby accepts a job for no pay at another school because he’s passionate about what he does, keeping people hydrated. When he finally realizes he’s worth more than everyone has always told him he stands up for himself and discovers a hidden talent. Giving himself the credit he deserves, Bobby goes back to school and saves the day. The simple lesson learned amidst side-splitting sports comedy is if believe in yourself then others will too.

What movies do you pick up when you're feeling down? Let me know in the comments below.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for CommunicationsJobsBlog.net, she is co-founder of design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.


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