The day the utilities stood still

Nancy Anderson
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Just far enough from Detroit to become a separate entity, our city was proud to operate its own Water purification, Wastewater Treatment, Power Plant, and Cable TV / Internet system. These systems were very reliable most of the time.

Our 1940’s era neighborhood homes contained a batch of digitally converted water meters that were failing, and needing replacement. We obediently took vacation time from work to be home, and our meter was replaced . . . “for free”. When our next bill arrived later than normal we were shocked to see it was MORE THAN FIVE TIMES the average amount.

Upon query, the Information Desk lady said that this was our “make-up bill” for the amount that the old meter had misread. We elevated to department manager, “Mindy” and convinced her it was the METER that failed, creating a delinquent account notice. We arranged a payment plan and since it was after 5 PM, Mindy asked us to drop our check in the outside box that evening; she would notate our account. We did so within the hour.

My wife returned home from the early shift the next afternoon to a cold house. When she upped the thermostat, no telltale start-up sounds came from the furnace. When she flipped the light switch to scrutinize the thermostat . . . no light came on. Attempting to wash her hands before putting a pot on the stove she found there was no water. The phone call to the city didn’t work because it was a wireless phone.

Using a cell phone to call, we uncovered the fact that the trucks guys performing shut-offs don’t access the same intranet as the billing department. And yes, we had been slated for a shut-off due to a “delinquent water bill”. As a punitive SOP, they simply turn off EVERYTHING (power, water, cable and internet). I asked if he managed those guys in the green uniforms, who carried city Nextels, UHF dispatch radios, a personal cell phone, and a WIFI laptop in a truck bristling with antennas for the radio that squawks out everything they’re doing, and why they CAN’T contact the billing office before executing week old paper orders, to confirm validity?

During the deafening silence that followed, I heard him tapping on his keyboard. Then in a politely sheepish tone he reported “Oh, umm, I see here you that you already resolved this issue yesterday”. All was reconnected within a half hour. The City Manager called me the next day “just to check” if all was OK now. Oh, and to apologize. Big deal.

My point is that NONE of this should have happened. We are the lifeline to people’s houses. We pride ourselves on communication and technological advancements, but it’s still the people part that needs to make it work. A comedy of errors? I didn’t see the humor at the time!

Use your overall knowledge of the system to communicate and find those gaps that need to be closed. Communicate, investigate, and deliver.

You can do this!

By K.B. Elliott

K. B. Elliott is a freelance writer for Working positions on both the corporate consumer and provider side of utilities in the Detroit area for over 30 years gives him a unique perspective on these 24/7 businesses. His networking interests connect him with many new venture and alternative start-ups in Southeast Michigan. On the chance occurrence of spare time, you will find him building computers and airplanes, or restoring antiques. To read more of his blogs, please go to, and be sure to check out the postings for jobs in nearly any industry at Nexxt


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