5 Warning Signs That Your Resume Stinks

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Here’s a common scenario: You’ve sent out a handful of resumes to different companies for positions that you are qualified for. Yet, the phone doesn't ring. What’s the problem? Is it your resume? And if it is, how can you fix it?

To determine whether your resume needs a complete revision, consider these five warning signs that your resume stinks:

1. Your resume that is more than 1 to 2 pages long.

A hiring manager’s busy schedule does not give him much time to read resumes, so he/she just scans it for something that catches his attention. This means that he/she may not have the patience to flip through and scrutinize multiple pages. On the other hand, even if you’ve managed to fit your resume on a single page, does it still look presentable and readable? The hiring manager will not want to read a page that has barely any margins, very small font sizes and is missing key information. Basically, if your skills and experiences don’t fit on one page, then use two or three pages. However, don’t make your resume unnecessarily long.

2. Your resume looks generic.

If you haven’t given much thought in writing your resume and instead opted for the easy way by using a template design, you may be in trouble. A template design can be easily downloaded from the Internet. However, imagine the hundreds of individuals who are also copying this template. How will your resume stand out then? Resume writing requires careful planning and researching. Take the time to do this if you want to catch the employer’s eye.

3. You don`t customize your resume to each application.

Did you remember to change the job description before sending it in? That’s what I thought. Occurrences when you mix up one job description with another usually happen. The danger in making generic resumes is you have not considered the qualifications needed by the company. Try to find out about the job and check if the qualifications match with your skills. If it does, then make a resume that will showcase the skills that best fit with the job.

4. You're using too many different fonts and sizes.

To emphasize entries you used different font sizes and various text emphases. Excuse me, you’re not making an art project. A resume is an important document that should signify your professionalism. Use the standard font size of 12. For the font styles, don’t use artsy ones, stick to standard styles like Courier, Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri. Don’t overemphasize entries. Keep it clean, simple, concise, and evenly spaced.

5. You have an unprofessional email address.

Have you thought about making a special email address just for job application purposes? If you have one, then good. If you don’t, make one now. Choose one that’s easy to remember and that is connected to your name. Think about how it will sound if you have an email address that says sexyhotchic@gmail.com or chickmagnet@ymail.com. Writing a resume should be taken seriously if you don’t want it to suck big time. If you’re really determined in getting an interview for the job you want, then step on it.


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  • Dawn Sellers
    Dawn Sellers
    Does anyone have any comments about using a functional resume vs a chronological resume?  I am 48 and recently graduated with a BBA.  My job experiences and skills have been learned in many areas besides employment.  My last job was 14 yrs but the job title and description leaves too much room for interpretation. some "experts" say a functional resume is better.  What do you think?    
  • Gail King
    Gail King
    Very helpful information.  Thanks!
  • Ellisa
    I try to tell the students this all the time about their email addresses. I am glad you posted this message. I plan to print it out and place on the board for all to read. Thanks
  • Thaddus Richardson
    Thaddus Richardson
  • Ada Brown
    Ada Brown
    This review provides excellent tips. It was worth reading. I'll review my resume and incorporate each of the writer's tips for a better resume presentation of my work skills and experiences. However, writing a resume for a job with the government has been very challenging.
  • Sanjib Sen
    Sanjib Sen
    Suggest or give an example of an ideal Resume from where I can get the idea.  Thanks
    I don't know who sets the standard, but the 1 not 2 page rule was thrown out a few years ago.  A 2-pager is now acceptable and many companies expect it.  That leaves the question:  Where does one go to get the final verdict on what is acceptable or not for a resume.  
  • Marie Matthews
    Marie Matthews
    Where can I find non generic formats?
  • ashok kaushal
    ashok kaushal
    This is a list of some hints that can come up in an unprofessional resume.  These points are not impressive enough.  When you want to make a dent then you need a stronger impact.
  • Daniel Portillo
    Daniel Portillo
    Getting the interview is not the problem. Employers jump back when they find out how much I made at my previous job. I think they are looking for a bargain knowing how flooded the job market is.
  • Robert Pollion
    Robert Pollion
    That is some very helpful information and so to the point about the mistake we make.I am truly going to use it.
  • lanie a.
    lanie a.
    hi,how i can fix my resume in Professional way?
  • Bruce M.
    Bruce M.
    I have created a resume with the help of an employment agency.  I have used bullets to emphasize my skills, job history and have it on 2 pages.  The font size is 12 and I have created a professional e-mail address.  Still NO JOB!!!  WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST NOW!!!
  • Myra
    I found the article informative and agree with Michael on pointers three and four. Thank you for the insight.
  • JOHN S.
    JOHN S.
    Your site has been very helpful, Although I have yet to find a job. I have used all tools provided. Just recently I did exactly what was just posted as 5 ways to make your resume stink. I did this BEFORE you posted those suggestions, but thank you anyway. I will continue to use your site(as well as others) to job search. However, I have found yours to be most informative.
  • Iris W.
    Iris W.
    Great topic.
  • Michael B.
    Michael B.
    The third and fourth pointers are key, so I spruced up my resume a bit to make it visually stand out more. That was a good article.

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