Bring These 5 Things to Your Next Interview

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Job interviews are stressful and there is so much great advice available about what to wear, how to act and what questions to ask that it's easy to get overwhelmed. Once you have the right outfit, have done tons of interview prep and are confident about your ability to show yourself in your best light, it's showtime. Before you walk out the door, however, there are a few things you need to make sure that you bring along with you.

Here are 5 things you need to bring to your next interview:

Interviewer's phone number and the company's number - It's one of those things you might not think about until you really need it, and by then, it will be too late. Make sure you have the phone number of your interviewer, along with the main number to the company written down. This way, if you have an emergency along the way, you will have a way to contact them to let them know. Not showing up for an interview is a hard thing to recover from. If you were to get stuck in a major traffic jam or some other unavoidable situation, you can call, explain what is going on and discuss rescheduling your interview.

A list of professional references - Since you know better than to list your references on your resume, make sure to bring a piece of paper that has your references listed out. This will eliminate any delay if the interviewer asks you to provide references. From the moment you leave the interview, the clock is ticking; any sort of delay on your part will only serve to give the hiring manager more time to find a better applicant. Don't take this chance and be ready to provide the list on the spot.

Copies of your resume - Don't assume that the interviewer will have a copy of your resume on hand. Instead, print out a few copies and bring them along with you. If the interviewer wants to go over your resume with you, you'll have your own copy on hand and will be able to answer any questions they might have more easily. Another reason to bring extra copies is that you never know how many people will be interviewing you. If you arrive and find that there is a panel, you can quickly supply additional copies of your resume rather than them having to share.

A small notebook with questions -  This is something many applicants forget, but it's super important. Bring a nice notepad with you to write down any important information the interviewer might give you. Also, write out a few well thought out question for the interviewer. This way, you'll be sure to ask all of the question you have and it also shows that you are prepared and interested in the job.

A nice pen - In the course of your interview, you may need to take notes, fill out an application or other forms. In this moment, not having a pen will make you look unprepared. To prevent this, make sure you bring a nice, professional looking pen with you to the interview. These small details show that you are a professional who pays attention to the little things. This goes a long way toward demonstrating that you have what it takes to do the job.

One of the most sought after qualities that hiring managers are looking for is attention to details. Arriving at the interview with everything you might need is a great way to show why you are a good fit for the job.



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  • Judy B
    Judy B how about some well thought out questions I get so nervous I can't think.
  • Cecilia M
    Cecilia M
    I could not agree more, also just to add a few: 6.  Make sure you know exactly the place before your interview day in order to be early and not panic. 7.  Do research about the company before your interview.
  • John V
    John V
    These are good points before an interview.I had an interview where they asked me if I had a copy of my previous employees assessment...which I did and they were amazed and I was hired on the spot.
  • Isela Z.
    Isela Z.
    These are great ideas.I have done most of them. They are common sense ideas but when your nerves are rattled with the oncoming interview a lot of times you just don't remember. It feels good to see I still have my act together on interviews. I have a file folder with all the above together so I'm not running around looking for them last minute. I look forward to seeing more ideas.
  • Maria R
    Maria R
    Those are common sense things that people shouldn't have to be reminded to do. They should be done automatically.
  • Deneen M
    Deneen M
    Awesome advice.  I had a few very good interviews because I had these things with me and now I am working.  This is good advice for someone just looking and always it will be the key to getting your dream job.

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