Commonly Asked Interview Questions

Julie Shenkman
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Reviewing and answering the following list of commonly asked interview questions is a great way to prepare for an interview. Typically, employers have a limited amount of time to gain an understanding of prospective employees. Your answers to these questions help employers make informed decisions and enable them to learn more about you as an individual. They are therefore an integral part of the hiring process.


• What do you do for fun?
• What do you like to do when you are not at work?
• Why did you leave your last job?


• Describe the job you have held in the past that was most gratifying.
• How can you help our company be more profitable?
• Tell me how you would handle multiple projects in the job.
• What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?


• Describe a professional skill you have developed in your most recent job.
• Describe a situation in which you have applied your skills to solve a problem.
• Describe your ability to solve problems in the workplace.
• How well can you multi-task?
• How would you rate your communication skills?
• What new skills or ideas do you bring to the job that other candidates aren't likely to offer?
• What would your colleagues tell me about your attention to detail?


• Are you able to meet aggressive deadlines? Do you have experience doing so in the past?
• Do you like working alone or in a team environment?
• Do you prefer continuity in structure or frequent change in your daily work?
• Do you work well under pressure?
• How do you go about making important decisions?
• How do you measure the success of your work?
• Tell me about the way you work.


• Are you involved with any professional affiliations?
• Tell me something about yourself that I didn't know from reading your resume.
• Why are you currently unemployed?
• Why have you held so many jobs in recent times?


• Have you taken any classes since college to bring your skills up to date?
• Is there anything you would change about your college education?


• Have you ever managed a project for your previous employer? What was the result?
• Tell me about a contribution you have made to a team.
• Tell me about a project you completed ahead of schedule.
• Tell me about any honors or awards that you have received in the past.
• Tell me about the most significant accomplishment in your career?


• How do you maintain your composure when you are in the hot seat?
• How do you usually handle criticism?
• Is there anything else about you that I should know?
• What are your top strengths? Weaknesses?
• What is your definition of success? How have you been successful in the past?
• What one word best describes you?


• Describe your ideal job.
• What are your work-related goals for the next few years?
• What motivated you to change careers at this time?
• What prompted you to choose your current career?
• Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?


• Describe a situation in which you demonstrated independent initiative.
• Describe a time when you had to alter your leadership style to be more effective.
• Describe the situation in which you are most comfortable as a leader.
• Describe your management style.
• Have you ever hired anyone? What qualities do you seek?
• Have you managed people in any of the positions you have held?
• How do you deal with difficult people?
• How would you define "leadership?" How would you rate yourself as a leader?
• How would you describe your philosophy about management?
• Tell me about a time that you made a critical decision without supervision?
• Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a challenging project in your job.


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  • Anne W
    Anne W
    Excellent questions; however, to all of those who wish for the answers, those can't be given as they must be derived from each individual themself per the question asked.  All you need to do is think! You can't expect everything to be done for you.  It's called taking responsibility for your actions to secure a job. This society is ridiculous; everyone expects to be "spoon fed". Do you want them to attend the interview as well? Take the initiative to write your own answers!
  • Deborah A
    Deborah A
    These are very informative questions, could you please send reponses as well.Thanks Dee
  • karis n
    karis n
    It would be nice to see some sample answers to some of these more abstract questions. what kind of answers are they looking for ?
  • Kristene T
    Kristene T
    I printed this out and will study it before my next interview.
  • Despina P
    Despina P
    The article is a very good practice tool.  
  • Bernard H
    Bernard H
    Very, very helpful
  • Emmanuel Howell D
    Emmanuel Howell D
    This is truly a good article and will really help me answer my interview questions accurately.Can you please send me a sample answer to these questions?Thanks
  • Tijen D
    Tijen D
    Very helpful. Thank you.
  • DesiRae G
    DesiRae G
    I recently had an interview. Some of these questions were asked of me. I froze.  I did not prepare myself.Walking out of the interview I felt like I failed. Thank you for this. I can now go back with confidence and some knowledge as to what to expect
  • Beverly G
    Beverly G
    I thought it gave great information.  Possibly giving examples of answers could also help.
  • DeAnna M
    DeAnna M
  • Petrona G
    Petrona G
    These questions is very helpful, with some good guidelines, only need some confindance,
  • RoseM
    Having an answer to these questions would be very helpful. It would give me some guidelines in terms of how to answer them.
  • sanjay j
    sanjay j
    Very much useful for the attanding intervues it give selfconfidance for doing job.
  • Marie M
    Marie M
    Please provide me with sample answers to these questions. Thanks
  • Benito S
    Benito S will definitely help...
  • Chamar K
    Chamar K
    Really good questions. I was just asked more than half of these in a recent interview. But it would be nice it there was sample answers as well.
  • Pamela M
    Pamela M
    I agree with the rest of the comments. These are questions that are asked, what people want to know is what type of answers are employers looking for.
  •  lorraine a
    lorraine a
    great question,what's the right way to answer
  • Joanna S
    Joanna S
    Yes this is very helpful, if you could send samples of answers, it would be helpful.
  • Alfredo G
    Alfredo G
    I have not been interview in 25 years. Therefore, I find these question very insightful because I have not idea that the interview process now a day was so intense,  These will help me develope a cheatsheet to practice for my next interview.  Thank you for the help.  Have a wonderful day and God bless you.
  • Margaret L
    Margaret L
    Great questions, now what's the right way to answer?
  • Charlene C
    Charlene C
    Thanks for the questions, I need to know what are the answers the recruiters are looking for, give me some answers to the questions for guidance. Question on how to answer what is a person strength and weakness and area of development?. Thanks.
  • Van P
    Van P
    Very helpful questions to prepare for interview!
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