The Most Powerful Word You Can Use at Work

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There have been so many times over the course of my life that I've wished I knew the magic word that would help me get others to listen to my ideas – the one that would help them see me as smart, capable, likeable and motivated. But there's no secret word like that – or is there?


It turns out that there is a word that can make a huge difference in the way that you're perceived. In fact, a recent research study found that employees who use this word more frequently in conversations with their bosses and co-workers were the same ones who were most often promoted and given additional responsibilities. Amazing!


So, what's the word? I'd love to tell you and if you buy my e-book today, you'll find out.


What? Just kidding! You have to admit, this does sounds suspiciously like an advertisement for some gimmick that doesn't work.


The word is “Yeah” and according to a study from MIT it has surprising power. When used during meetings and conversations, it is extremely persuasive and increases the likelihood of getting agreement from others. Which is surprising since “yeah” typically sounds sloppy and slightly disrespectful when my teenager says it.


According to researchers, the key is to use the word as a transition, rather than as a casual agreement. For example, if your boss suggests a course of action and you want to contribute an idea you should say, “Yeah, and what if we...” Even when you don't completely agree with what the other person is saying, saying “yeah” before adding your own twist will improve the odds of having others buy into what you're saying and make you appear to be a positive, team oriented employee.


So, the lesson here is that to have more successful communications at the office, just preload all of your ideas with the most powerful word ever: “Yeah.”


What do you think? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.


Image source: Morguefile


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    You are kidding, Right !  This whole article on a supposed single word that claims to create "synergy, respect, loyalty, and team-building" in one syllable. No, Not even close.  Actually, the proposed word "Yeah" is very informal, non-assertive, casual, typical spoken by the uneducated, and is a lazy word for "Yes".  You clearly have not spent sufficient and significant time in the Board Room, Command Centers, nor high level executive think-tanks or Director General conferences.  Nice try, but please Melissa go back to the drawing board.  Swing and a Miss !!!Respectfully submitted,DMH
  • Pam H
    Pam H
    This is hard to believe, however, I really believe you know what you are talking about so I accept that "yeah"is a very powerful tool to appear positive and team oriented.  Thank you for this information, I would have never dreamed of it.
  • Fredrick B
    Fredrick B
    Yeah, are you kidding?
  • Holly M
    Holly M
    I say yeah all the time to my clients when they like their hair doo. I guess it does make a bit of an impression. Who knows??
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