What to Do When Asked About Your Previous Salary

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Score! You’ve landed an interview for the job of your dreams. You meet with the boss, and all goes favorably until you are asked the dreaded question, “Tell me about your salary history.” Or maybe you’re reading about an opportunity that you’d love to pursue, but the ad states that resumes without salary histories will not be considered.

Naming a low salary can cause a potential employer to write you off as not being worth what the company is willing to pay. Instead, it may get you the job, but at a lower price than they were going to offer. If your previous salary was higher than the company is willing to pay, you may not get a call back on the assumption that you would not be interested anyway. What to do?

One thing not to do is lie. If your previous salary is not what you are willing to accept now, don’t be tempted to simply beef it up a bit. It’s not worth the potential hassle that lying can cause.

You could try offering your salary requirement instead of your salary history. Tell the hiring manager what you are expecting to make instead of what you have made in the past. If that doesn’t work, you could attempt to convince the hiring manager that your previous salary has nothing to do with the present opportunity. This is true, of course, but may not go over well.

In the end, you may end up needing to give out the info or risk losing out on a job offer. In this type of situation, it’s good to have a plan, and to know your bottom line. If you know that your previous salary was higher or lower than what you expect from the new position, then say so. Let your salary history be a part of where you were, but don’t let it necessarily determine where you are going.


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  • Linda Small
    Linda Small

    Thanks for this is very helpful because when you work overseas this is the problem that you run into..I am not look to make what I made overseas for all I wanna do is be able to pay my mortgage and give my best on the job that I am hired for.


    This is very useful, thanks!

  • cindy h.
    cindy h.

    thanks for a good information

  • OKEKE B.
    OKEKE B.

    Actually, saying what your not earning can destroy your reputation.

  • joan S.
    joan S.

    Thank you for this useful information.

  • Shalom K.
    Shalom K.

    Thanks for the information. I was missing on it. this tip is going to be very helpful to me.

  • veronica j.
    veronica j.

    I strongly agrees with Rhodes June 21/2010 by asking what is the salary range for this job.Then in my opinion you can negotiate according to your value,taking into consideration your experiences skills and qualifications.Above all be honest.

  • DARRYl P.
    DARRYl P.

    When do I ask ?

  • George C.
    George C.

    If you are Truly Good at your chosen Job/Profession you should know what you will accept at your 2nd interview. In the Texas construction industry Salaries often vary +/- 10-20 K They Know answer before they ask you the question, Be Prepared.

  • Jason Marcus
    Jason Marcus

    Richard Wood pet peeve posts that are really just bragging not useful for us

  • Jason Marcus
    Jason Marcus

    I am going from 180k as an attorney to possibly 10k as a mailroom person.


    This is a question that has posed troublesome for me because the company I previously worked for was very generous to long time loyal employees. I made almost $15,000 more a year than what jobs are now offering for the same thing. So I say that I understand it is a different market and ask for what I think is fair.

  • Jim A.
    Jim A.

    Very helpful, sometimes i don't want to give out about my salary.

  • Katrina Perez
    Katrina Perez

    I've encountered this questions a lot. I never know what to say. How do you find out how much they are willing to pay, without asking?

    I only offer my salary requirement, not my salary history. I've noted that this question is widely used online, making it hard for you to get around answering it.
  •  Kathryn Kinsey
    Kathryn Kinsey
    Good information to have for interviewing.
  • Umar Black
    Umar Black
    Very helpful, something I wondered how to handle.
  • Rosina Valvo
    Rosina Valvo
    How do companies view age when considering salary? If you are 50 or over will this affect the salary?
  • FREDERICK Horsley
    FREDERICK Horsley
    Thanks I will take this in consideration.
    Great info!
  • Carmine Braccia
    Carmine Braccia
    Great advice,lieing is never the way to go. Thank you, C.B.
  • David Svedman
    David Svedman
    helpful considering that I haven't had to interview for a job but once in 30 yrs
  • Patrick Robinson
    Patrick Robinson
    I do not think it is ethical for a hiring company to bring up your past salary or even your  salary history.
  • Sam Harris
    Sam Harris
    I have to disagree with this article because sharing your salary isn't anyone's business. That is like asking for them to see your wallet and question a company's ethics when they do. The reason being is that I met with a job services specialist who talked about this subject in a interview skills workshop and I completely agree they won't ever ask you to your face but will ask you online. It's just a very unprofessional thing to do in all honesty.
  • John Phillips
    John Phillips
    Very helpful

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